My Persian Paradox
On a cold night in 1978, seven-year-old Shabnam Shahmohammad clung to my mother in a Tehran apartment while the sounds of gunshots rang out in the street: The Iranian Revolution was at hand. Me and my family survived that night, but as the Islamic fundamentalists took the power over, I grew up watching my father take his beloved books away to burn, his friends be arrested and disappear, and women like my mother grow ever more marginalized. Confused by my father’s communist ideology, my mother’s conservative religious beliefs, and the regime’s oppressive rules, I developed a deep longing to live a different life.
In the journey of writing and publishing My Persian Paradox: Memories of an Iranian Girl, I have been privileged to develop a deeper connection with life.
I learned like many other stories, this is a tale of resilience facing oppression and dictatorship along with fighting with narrow traditional and restrictive cultural rules. This memoir has been a journey of self-discovery, mother-daughter relationship obstacles, forbidden love, and the universal desire for freedom.
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